Calendar Calls

What Are Calendar Calls?

In Georgia’s court system, a calendar call appearance allows a judge to receive an update on active cases. Learn how having an attorney present can help.

If you have been charged with a crime, one of the required court appearances you must make during a trial proceeding is the calendar call. The calendar call allows a judge the opportunity to receive an update on any active cases from both the defense and prosecution and is usually the last court appearance before a jury is selected for the trial.

Before a Calendar Call

You or your attorney will receive a written notice stating the date and time of the calendar call, that you must be present for. If you do not attend—or have a representative present on your behalf—the judge will issue a bench warrant for your arrest. 

Prior to this calendar call date, you will also want to ensure all motions are filed (so the court can determine if another appearance is necessary before trial). If you need to file a motion during the calendar call or afterward, it will likely be dismissed which can ruin the defense.

What Happens During a Calendar Call?

During a calendar call, the defense will tell a judge if the defendant is ready for trial or not. If ready, the judge will then set a date for the trial. If not, the defense is required to explain why more time is needed for discovery or to provide other reasoning. The calendar call is also the last opportunity to enter a negotiated plea before trial.

The trial process can be overwhelming, and it is always wise to have an experienced attorney to protect your best interests at every step of the way. If you have more questions about calendar calls or want to learn how the attorneys at Wadkins & Wallace, P.C. can help you, call (706) 221-9451 or fill out our online form to request a free case evaluation.


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