How Our Attorneys Handle Criminal Defence Cases
Once a client hires you, how do you go about building their defense?
The first thing we do is get the facts from our client. And that’s why it’s important that we establish a good relationship. I think that’s something we pride ourselves on doing — setting a tone and building a relationship where the client feels comfortable with us and lays out all the facts, good and bad.
The second thing we do is start our investigation process — getting facts outside the client, and determining from any source what facts are relevant to the case.
Once we do that, then we can really shape our defense to see what affirmative defenses the client may have. We really get to see what our strategy needs to be. And sometimes our approach is very aggressive and we want to go against the state’s evidence or directly challenge what the state has, which is very adversarial.
Sometimes we want to cooperate and try to work out something with the state in a less adversarial setting. So once we have the facts and once we have a good picture of what the evidence will be, that’s when we shape the case and go into what our strategies will be in dealing with the state.