Opiate Offenses in Georgia
Georgia drug possession laws monitor the usage of both illegal and prescription drugs. This includes painkillers, depressants, and stimulants, such as OxyContin, Xanax, and Adderall respectively. Of these, painkillers—also known as opioids—are the most highly abused in the state of Georgia.
What is an Opioid?
An opioid is a painkiller, categorized as a Schedule II narcotic for its high potential for abuse and psychological or physical dependence. Commonly used opioids include oxycodone and hydrocodone, which are medically prescribed, as well as illegal drugs like heroin.
Opioid Abuse in Georgia
Using opioids repeatedly can result in an increase in tolerance level, meaning more of the drug is required to achieve the same results.
In recent years, nearly two-thirds of overdoses in Georgia were caused by opioid use, with 55 counties having higher overdose rates than the national average. The cause can be contributed to a variety of factors, including overprescribing—with 541 million doses prescribed by professionals in 2016 and 2017 alone—or illegal purchasing.
Penalties for Drug Possession
Illegal possession of opioids, or other Schedule II drugs, is a felony charge punishable by both prison time and driver’s license suspension. A first-time conviction carries a two to 15-year prison sentence and a mandatory 6-month license suspension, while repeat offenders may face up to 30 years behind bars. Opiate offenses have the potential to carry a long sentence, but with a skilled and experienced attorney, you can get the help you need.
A felony conviction can be life-altering. To see how our attorneys can assist you with opiate offenses, call Wadkins & Wallace at (706) 221-9451 or schedule a free case review online.